1. Application of These Terms and Conditions

    1.1 Sanhydro provides services based on these terms and conditions. To change them, Sanhydro must write and sign the amendments. Therefore, these terms apply once Sanhydro confirms your booking via our website, email, letter, paper, or phone.


    Company Reference
    “We,” “our,” “us,” or “the company” refers to Sanhydro Limited. We are located at 128 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX. Our company registration number is 12573795.

    Service Definitions
    “Services” include “Regular clean”, “Deep clean,” and “Maximum Clean” as detailed on our website. Additionally, we offer any other services described there.

    Client Reference
    “You,” “your,” “the client,” or “the customer” refers to anyone booking our services.

    Pricing & Payment Terms

    Price Changes
    Prices listed on your booking form may change at our discretion. Consequently, we will notify existing customers of any price changes 30 days in advance.

    Service Charges
    Service times are based on one operator and may vary if accompanied. Charges begin when the operator arrives at your address. Additionally, they include five minutes per hour for loading and unloading equipment, up to four hours.

    Payment Options
    You can pay by credit or debit card. For regular cleans, payment is due at least one service in advance. However, for one-off cleans, end-of-tenancy, or deep cleaning, require a minimum of 25% booking fee and will collect the remainder around the service day. the booking fee is refundable subject to our terms and conditions. By booking, you consent to this arrangement.

    Pricing Options

    We provide flexible cleaning services to meet your needs:

    1. Regular Cleaning Package
      • Four consecutive cleans
      • Choose weekly or bi-weekly schedule
      • Ideal for ongoing maintenance
    2. Single Service Options
      • One-off clean
      • End-of-tenancy clean
      • Deep clean

    For detailed pricing and to book your preferred service, please visit our website, booking form or call our office for more information.

    Cancellation / Non-Delivery of Services / Non-Attendance

    Regular Clean Cancellation
    Regular clean rates are lower due to a commitment of four cleans. If you cancel before completing four cleans, we will charge the full one-off rate for the cleans provided. Furthermore, after four cleans, cancellations with less than 24 hours’ notice incur a 100% charge.

    Cancellation Policy for One-Off and End of Tenancy Cleaning Services
    1. Notice Requirement The Client must provide a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours’ notice to cancel a scheduled one-off clean or end of tenancy cleaning service.
    2. Late Cancellation Fee In the event of cancellation with less than forty-eight (48) hours’ notice prior to the scheduled service, the Client shall be liable for the full cost of the booked service.
    3. Payment Obligation The Client acknowledges and agrees that failure to provide the required notice will result in the obligation to pay the full service fee, as if the service had been rendered.
    4. Calculation of Notice Period The notice period shall be calculated from the time the cancellation request is received by the Company to the scheduled start time of the service.
    5. Cancellation Procedure Cancellations must be communicated in writing by email, or web contact form.
    6. Refund Policy No refunds shall be issued for cancellations made within the 48-hour period preceding the scheduled service.
    7. Force Majeure Sanhydro reserves the right to waive the cancellation fee in cases of demonstrable emergency or events beyond the Client’s reasonable control, at the Company’s sole discretion.
    8. Modification of Policy Sanhydro reserves the right to modify this cancellation policy at any time. Any changes will be communicated to the Client and will apply to future bookings.


    Sanhydro Cancellation / Non-Attendance/ Access Issues

    Company Cancellation
    We are not liable for delays or cancellations due to circumstances beyond our control, such as fire, flood, strike, or equipment failure. Nevertheless, we will attempt to reschedule the service as soon as possible. If the delay is within our control, we will provide the service at no extra charge at a mutually convenient time. However, we will not cover other losses.


    Service Satisfaction
    We do not offer refunds after the cleaning service is completed. Therefore, notify us within 24 hours if you are dissatisfied so we can resolve the issue promptly.

    Cancellation Refunds
    We will issue refunds only if you cancel with at least 48 hours’ notice and we have received payment.

    Non-Attendance Refunds
    If a cleaner does not attend a scheduled visit and we have received payment, we will issue a refund.

    Distance Contract
    If your booking qualifies as a distance contract, you may cancel within 14 days. However, you cannot cancel if we have already started the cleaning services.

    Working Conditions & Health and Safety

    Safety Protocols
    Our staff will not enter unsafe environments. They will report issues, and you will be charged 100% of the cleaning cost. If you make the environment safe and reschedule, you will pay 50% of the original cost plus the rescheduled clean’s cost.

    Attendance By Staff

    1. Service Provision Sanhydro may, at its discretion, assign two (2) staff members to perform the cleaning service.
    2. Time Efficiency When two staff members are assigned, the total cleaning duration shall be approximately half the time required for a single staff member to complete the same tasks.
    3. Quality Assurance Sanhydro warrants that the reduction in cleaning time due to dual staff assignment shall not compromise the quality of service provided.
    4. No Additional Charges The assignment of two staff members shall not result in any additional charges to the Client beyond the standard service fee.
    5. Resource Allocation Sanhydro reserves the right to determine the appropriate staffing for each cleaning service based on factors including, but not limited to, property size, cleaning requirements, and staff availability.
    6. Client Acknowledgment The Client acknowledges that the presence of two staff members on the premises does not constitute a basis for requesting additional services beyond the agreed-upon scope without incurring extra charges.
    7. Limitation of Liability Sanhydro shall not be liable for any perceived inconvenience or disruption resulting from the presence of two staff members instead of one.
    8. Modification of Service Sanhydro reserves the right to modify the staffing arrangement without prior notice, provided that such modification does not result in additional charges or a reduction in service quality.
    9. Dispute Resolution Any disputes arising from the implementation of this dual staff efficiency policy shall be resolved in accordance with Sanhydro’s standard dispute resolution procedures.
    10. Agreement Integration This Dual Staff Cleaning Efficiency Agreement forms an integral part of the overall service agreement between Sanhydro and the Client.

    Your Property and Our Costs

    Accurate Information

    Room Disclosure and Additional Charges Agreement

    1. Accurate Information Obligation The Client shall provide complete and accurate details of all rooms requiring cleaning services at the time of booking.
    2. Definition of Additional Room For the purposes of this agreement, an additional room is defined as: a) Any bathroom beyond the primary bathroom, or b) Any extra study or office space beyond the primary living areas.
    3. Service Level Adjustment Sanhydro reserves the right to adjust the service level and associated charges for additional rooms as defined in Section 2.
    4. Disclosure Requirement The Client must disclose the presence of any additional rooms as defined herein prior to the commencement of cleaning services.
    5. Additional Charges In the event that undisclosed additional rooms are discovered: a) The Company may apply extra charges commensurate with the additional service required. b) These charges will be calculated based on the Company’s current rate schedule for additional rooms.
    6. Payment Obligation The Client agrees to pay any additional charges resulting from the presence of undisclosed rooms promptly upon notification.
    7. Service Refusal The Company reserves the right to refuse service for undisclosed additional rooms if such service would significantly alter the scheduled cleaning time or required resources.
    8. Dispute Resolution Any disputes arising from the application of additional charges shall be resolved in accordance with the Company’s standard dispute resolution procedures.
    Property Access Agreement for Cleaning Services
    1. Access Obligation The Client shall ensure full and unobstructed access to the property at the scheduled time of cleaning service.
    2. Removal of Barriers Prior to the scheduled cleaning time, the Client shall remove any and all barriers that may impede access to the property or any areas within the property that are to be cleaned.
    3. Definition of Barriers Barriers may include, but are not limited to, locked doors, security systems, physical obstructions, pets, occupied premises(end of tenancy clean or deep clean) or any other impediments that prevent or delay the cleaning staff from entering or moving freely within the designated cleaning areas.
    4. Notification of Access Instructions The Client shall provide clear and timely instructions for property access, including any necessary keys, codes, or special entry procedures, no later than 24 hours before the scheduled cleaning time.
    5. Consequences of Failure to Provide Access In the event that the cleaning staff is unable to access the property due to the Client’s failure to comply with this agreement: a) Sanhydro reserves the right to charge a cancellation fee equivalent to the full cost of the scheduled service. b) The Company shall not be held liable for any failure to perform the cleaning services.
    6. Rescheduling If access cannot be gained, the cleaning service may be rescheduled at the Company’s discretion, subject to availability and additional fees.
    7. Liability The Client shall be responsible the full cost of the service provided  by Sanhydro as a result of delays or inability to access the property as agreed.


    Liability for Property Contents
    You are responsible for safeguarding personal belongings and valuables. Consequently, we are not liable for loss or damage to items left on the premises.

    Additional Charges
    If the property is not vacant during the scheduled cleaning, additional charges may apply for rescheduling.

    Legal Compliance
    Ensure the property is vacated according to legal obligations and that cleaning complies with relevant agreements.

    Use of Customers’ Equipment

    Equipment Use
    Our staff has discretion to use company or client equipment, such as hoovers or mops is requested. However, we are not liable for damage caused by your equipment and require full indemnity for such losses.

    Liability & Key Holding

    Key Security
    We ensure your keys’ security. If we lose them, we will make appropriate arrangements. However, we are not liable for delays caused by you.

    Personal Injury
    We do not limit our liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence.

    Property Damage
    We are not responsible for damage to wallpaper, painted surfaces, carpets, soft furnishings, or leather furniture if cleaned. Similarly, we are not liable for damage to wooden floors if cleaned with a wet mop.

    Complaints & Compensation

    1. Notification Period The Client shall notify Sanhydro of any dissatisfaction with the provided services within twenty-four (24) hours of service completion.
    2. Notification Method Such notification must be made in writing to
    3. Acknowledgment of Complaint Upon receipt of a complaint, Sanhydro shall provide an acknowledgment within one (2) business days.
    4. Prompt Resolution Sanhydro commits to addressing the Client’s concerns promptly and diligently upon receipt of notification.
    5. Investigation Process Sanhydro reserves the right to conduct a thorough investigation of the complaint, which may include on-site inspection or review of service records.
    6. Resolution Timeline Sanhydro shall endeavor to resolve all complaints within five (5) business days from the date of acknowledgment, subject to the complexity of the issue.
    7. Remedial Action Where the complaint is deemed valid, Sanhydro shall, at its discretion, offer appropriate remedial action, which may include rectification of the service.
    8. Limitation of Claim Failure to notify Sanhydro within the specified 24-hour period may limit the Client’s right to claim dissatisfaction or seek remedial action.
    9. Record Keeping Sanhydro shall maintain records of all complaints and their resolutions for a period of one (1) year.
    10. Continuous Improvement Sanhydro shall use the feedback received to improve its services and customer satisfaction.


    Limitation of Liability for Negligence – Sanhydro
    1. Scope of Liability In the event of negligence by Sanhydro or its employees, Sanhydro’s liability shall be strictly limited to the repair or replacement costs of damaged items.
    2. Determination of Costs The repair or replacement costs shall be determined with due consideration to: a) The age of the damaged item b) The condition of the item immediately prior to the damage occurring
    3. Exclusion of Consequential Damages Sanhydro shall not be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising from any negligent act or omission.
    4. Claim Procedure The Client must submit any claim for damages due to negligence in writing within 24 hours of the incident, providing detailed documentation of the damage and the item’s pre-incident condition.
    5. Assessment of Damage Sanhydro reserves the right to inspect any damaged item and may, at its discretion, engage an independent assessor to determine the appropriate repair or replacement cost.
    6. Maximum Liability In no event shall Sanhydro’s total liability exceed the lesser of: a) The actual cost of repair or replacement, or b) The original purchase price of the damaged item
    7. Depreciation Factor Sanhydro shall apply a reasonable depreciation factor based on industry standards when calculating replacement costs for aged items.
    8. Client’s Duty to Mitigate The Client has a duty to take reasonable steps to mitigate any loss or damage resulting from Sanhydro’s negligence.
    9. Exclusions This limitation of liability does not apply to: a) Damage caused by gross negligence or willful misconduct b) Liability which cannot be limited by law
    10. Acknowledgment By engaging Sanhydro’s services, the Client acknowledges and accepts the terms of this Limitation of Liability clause.

    All claim requests must be made in writing to within 24 hours of damage.

    Use of Customer Information

    Privacy Policy
    Our Privacy Policy governs how we use the information you provide.

    Employment of Our Staff by the Customer

    Non-Employment Clause
    You agree not to employ our staff for home services for twelve months after their last service under this contract. Breaching this clause incurs a £1750 referral fee per staff member, compensating our loss and replacement costs.

    Rights of Third Parties

    Third-Party Rights
    Only the parties to this Agreement have rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce or benefit from any terms.

    Governing Law

    This Agreement is governed by English Law and the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.